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Premium brands and Gen Z

Generation Z, also known as digital natives or post-millennials, represents a challenge for traditional premium brands. Generation Z has a different set of values than its predecessors and places more emphasis on sustainability, authenticity and social responsibility. Many brands are struggling to integrate these values into their marketing strategies without jeopardizing their luxury and premium position.

GenZ eats Cremo Racelette
GenZ in the wild

However, Generation Z's understanding of values doesn't necessarily mean that they don't want to buy premium brands. On the contrary, a study by Bain & Company shows that Generation Z is even more willing to pay for high-quality products compared to millennials. However, the way premium brands communicate and sell their products must change.

Generation Z prefers brands that share their values and actively implement them in their business practice. Sustainability is an important issue and companies should strive to improve their environmental footprint and communicate about it transparently. It's about creating a sense of community and belonging that goes beyond simply owning a product.

Another challenge for premium brands is the consumer behavior of Generation Z. They prefer online shopping and are looking for personalized, unique product experiences. Companies should strengthen their online presence and use digital platforms to present their products and services. At the same time, it is important to offer unique and personalized experiences that meet customer needs.

To be successful, premium brands must match the tone of Generation Y and Z and understand their needs. That doesn't mean that brands must change their values and identities, but that they must strive to integrate these values into their marketing strategies. Brands must remain authentic and at the same time find new ways to reach their target audience.

Overall, Generation Z represents both a challenge and an opportunity for premium brands. Companies that adapt and understand the needs and values of their customers can defend or expand their position in the market. However, traditional brands must be open to change and ready to adapt to be successful over the long term.

The GenZ are bigger benefactors than you think!

According to studies, the Z generation has been responsible for 40% of national consumption since 2020
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