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Lars Kienle

Partner & Consultant

As a consultant, Lars Kienle advises a large number of customers on how to present and promote their brand with a lot of empathy and vision. His discontinued studies symbolize his autodidactic, intuitive, impulsive way of working. His fellow human beings would describe him as an extroverted, solution-oriented, impulsive, unconventional thinker with broad general knowledge. As a generalist, he combines the worlds of performance marketing and graphic design to get the most out of a brand. With a flair for languages and the beautiful things in life, he romanticizes almost everything. Outside office hours, Lars Kienle can be found in the garage, on road trips or other trips. The biggest challenge of his everyday life: getting at least a few hours of sleep. But he also regularly puts it off for an arte documentary, Duolingo or a good book.