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What is the 1974 JWT Planning Guide?

The JWT Planning Guide (1974) is a 6-step guide to strategic brand planning in advertising. Developed by JWT, one of the oldest advertising agencies, it describes the path from situation analysis to evaluation of results.

Planning Cycle JWT Planning Guide 1974
JWT Planning Guide 1974

In today's competitive world, strong brand management is essential. Companies must set themselves apart from the competition and establish an emotional connection with their customers. The JWT Planning Guide From 1974 is considered as legendary Plant in the world of brand management and offers a 6-step process for the strategic planning and development of successful brands.

Developed by J. Walter Thompson (JWT), one of oldest and most renowned advertising agencies, does the guide offer a proven method to analyze the market situation, set brand goals, develop a strategy, implement the strategy in creative communication measures, select appropriate media channels and measure the success of marketing campaigns.

The six steps of the JWT Planning Guide:

Situation analysis

In this step, the market environment, the competition and the target group are analyzed. Various market research tools are used for this purpose, such as surveys, focus groups and competitive analyses.


In this step, the brand goals and the desired positioning of the brand are defined. The goals should be clearly defined, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.


In this step, a strategy is developed as to how the brand goals can be achieved. This includes choosing the right marketing tools, such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion and direct marketing.


In this step, the strategy is translated into creative communication measures. This includes the development of advertising messages, campaigns and slogans.

media planning

In this step, the appropriate media channels are selected for the distribution of advertising messages. This includes taking into account the target group, budget and media goals.


In this step, the success of marketing campaigns is measured. Various key figures are used for this purpose, such as brand awareness, willingness to buy and customer satisfaction.

The JWT Planning Guide provides several benefits:

  • Proven framework: The guide offers a structured and field-proven approach to brand planning.
  • Flexibility: The model can be adapted to the individual needs and challenges of each company.
  • Guidance: The guide helps companies focus their brand strategy and make their marketing activities more effective.


The JWT Planning Guide is a valuable tool for anyone concerned with strategic brand management and the development of successful marketing campaigns. Die clear structure And the practical tips make the guide an indispensable companion for marketing managers, brand strategists and creative people.


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